Wednesday, May 4, 2011

干烧牛柳丝 (Shredded Beef in Sweet Sour Sauce)


Ingredients: Beef, corn flour, white sesame seeds, onion, green capsicum, salt, black pepper, white pepper, Chinese cooking wine, egg, soy sauce, oyster sauce, ketchup, sugar, honey.

1. Cut beef into strips, coat with some Chinese cooking wine, corn flour (to soften beef).
2. Coat beef strips with egg, then coat with corn flour, straight into hot oil to fry.
3. In another wok, fry some sliced onion and capsicum, till soften. Add ketchup, sugar, salt, pepper, soy sauce, oyster sauce, honey, etc. Adjust to taste.
4. Return fried beef into the sauce mixture, stir so that all beef strips are coated evenly.
5. Serve on plate, sprinkle with white sesame seeds.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Lebanese Sausage Wrap with Tabouleh and Garlic Cucumber Yoghurt

Thanks Susie, for the yummy sausages!

Ingredients: Lebanese sausage, lebanese bread, continental parsley, tomato, lemon, salt, brown onion, thick Greek yoghurt, cucumber garlic.

Time needed: 20 min. If you can chop things into little pieces faster, then it will probably only take you 5 min.

1. For tabouleh, chop tomato, parley, onion into small pieces, mix with lemon juice and olive oil.
2. For yoghurt mixture, mix minced garlic and diced cucumber pieces with thick Greek yoghurt, add olive oil, salt and lemon juice.
3. Cook the sausage.
4. Start to assemble sausages, tabouleh, and yoghurt mixture on Lebanese bread. Wrap it up in tube shape. Though not traditional, adding bbq sauce makes the wrap tastes slightly different, in an interesting and yummy way.

Wombok, Minced Pork balls, and Vermicelli Soup (大白菜猪肉丸子粉丝汤)

Ingredients: Minced pork, wombok (Chinese cabbage), Vermicelli, corn flour, shallot, sesame oil, salt, white pepper, chicken stock, soy sauce.

Time needed: 10 min prep time, 50 min cook time.

1. Boil the cut Chinese cabbage till soften.
2. To make pork balls, add corn flour, chopped shallot, salt, white pepper, chicken stock, a dash of sesame oil, a dash of soy sauce to minced pork. Mix through thoroughly using hand. Roll into ball shape, drop into soup when cabbage has softened.
3. Adjust to taste by adding salt, a dash of soy sauce (not too much, otherwise soup will darken), stock, etc.
4. Add vermicelli.